
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Response to White Noise

I started reading the book over spring break, but had a hard time because my grandma is currently in the hospital and slowly dying. I spent my break helping out my family with everything around the house and visiting my grandma. I hard a hard time reading the book because it was about death and I am going through a difficult time with my grandma. Also, I didn't quite understand the book but I re read some chapters a couple of times. But I got far enough into the book to understand that White Noise is about the fear of death. It takes others peoples different point of views about death. While having an interesting love story with Barbette and Jack. I like the book because it's interesting and I like seeing different takes of death through other peoples lives. It's defiantly not what I expected this book to be about, but it makes me want to continue reading to find out what happens in the end, and really see the over all message of the book with a better understanding.

Cool article from the New York Times about White Noise

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